2015 Candidate Questionnaire for Fred Felleman

(Endorsed 7.11.2015)

Name: Fred Felleman
Office Sought: Seattle Port Commission position 5.

Current Progressive Endorsements:
King County Democrats, 1st LD Democrats, 30th LD Democrats, 45th LD Democrats

Candidate Statement:
I am in this race because I believe that we are running out of time to protect our environment. As someone who has studied Orcas for decades, I can tell you that their numbers are so low our grandchildren might never see them. I can tell you that if the sea level rises further, there may no longer even be a Port of Seattle. But I can also tell you, it’s not too late to reverse this trend. I am the environmental leader the port needs for it to Act Now.

I have a 25-year track record of protecting Washington State’s fragile marine environment while addressing the economic and cultural needs of those dependent on it. For example, as the cruise industry has flourished, its impacts have lessened, because I helped ensure cruise ships no longer discharge wastes into the Sound or burn high sulfur fuels.

I will bring this same experience to Seattle’s Port as a champion for sustainable living-wage jobs, because I believe we have an obligation to our children’s future, especially in light of the major changes occurring to our climate. Together we can preserve our working waterfront and sustain living wages for airport workers.

As a member of the Port’s Century Agenda Advisory Committee, I will see that our port lives up to its goal of becoming the greenest, most energy efficient port in the nation. I will also increase the Port’s transparency and accountability by expanding opportunities for the public to be included in critical port deliberations.

The reckless, closed-door decision to host Shell’s arctic oil exploration fleet underscores the port’s need for environmental leadership and transparency. Rather than putting our health and future at risk for the sake of short-term profits, I will work to develop green jobs at the port.

Climate change and global competition pose immediate threats to Seattle’s Port. I am uniquely qualified to be a champion for the diverse communities and environments in King County to ensure our Port’s success now and into the future.

I respectfully ask you to vote for Fred Felleman, Seattle Port Commissioner, Position 5
Thank you.

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