Resolution to Endorse and Support Keith Ellison’s Election as DNC Chair (pending)

WHEREAS there shall be an election in 2017 for the Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), voted on by state party chairs and vice-chairs as well as DNC members from the several states; and

WHEREAS Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison (MN-5), who has been elected to six terms in the U.S. House of Representatives and two terms in the Minnesota (state) House of Representatives, is running for the position of DNC Chair in 2017; and

WHEREAS Congressman Ellison, the current co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, has been endorsed by Democratic leaders which represent both the party’s ideological and demographic diversity – including, but not limited to, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Harry Reid, Senator Chuck Schumer, Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Tammy Duckworth, Congressman Luis Gutierrez, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Congressman Elijah Cummings, Congressman John Conyers, Congressman Raul Grijalva, and Congressman John Lewis; and

WHEREAS Congressman Ellison has been endorsed by a number of progressive organizations including, but not limited to, the AFL-CIO, Action, Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC), Social Security Works,, and Democracy for America, as well as progressive leaders Randi Weingarten (President of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT)), New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, and Lee Saunders (DNC Member & President of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)); and

WHEREAS, knowing the importance of state and local elections as a former state legislator, Congressman Ellison has committed, if elected as DNC Chair, to not just support a 50-state strategy, but also a 3,143-county strategy; and

WHEREAS, building off successful fundraising operations in 2016 and the widespread distaste among the American electorate for politicians perceived as “bought,” Congressman Ellison has vowed to ban all donations to the DNC by corporate lobbyists, if elected chair, (an action taken in 2009, but reversed in 2016) and focus on the types of small-dollar donations which have propelled recent campaigns; and

WHEREAS Ellison’s principal opponent for the position of DNC Chair, Secretary of Labor Tom Perez, has only once been on a ballot – in 2002 for Montgomery County (MD) Council –, has limited fundraising and Democratic party leadership experience, and supports (and has always supported) the Trans-Pacific Partnership – a trade deal opposed by a clear majority of Democratic Congresspeople and was used effectively to win Republican votes in the 2016 Presidential election;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Washington State Progressive Caucus hereby endorse Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison (MN-5) for the 2017 election of Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC); and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we, the Washington State Progressive Caucus, call on all of Washington’s local Democratic parties and elected officials, including but not limited to state legislators, statewide elected officials, Congresspeople, and U.S. Senators, to similarly publicly endorse and support the candidacy of Keith Ellison for DNC Chair; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we, Thte Washington State Progressive Caucus, call on all of Washington state’s DNC members – currently David McDonald, Ed Cote, Sharon Mast, and Nancy Monacelli – as well as the Washington State Democratic Central Committee Chair and Vice-Chair – currently Jaxon Ravens and Valerie Brady Rongey, respectively – to both publicly endorse and ultimately vote for Keith Ellison in the 2017 election of DNC Chair.

Submitted to the Washington State Progressive Caucus meeting of January 28, 2017 by Sarajane Siegfriegt and Jessa Lewis.

Disposition: pending

____________________, Chair

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