Endorsement Timeline
Washington State Progressive Caucus is not currently accepting Endorsement questionnaires.
Our next endorsement opportunity will be at our May 2025 meeting.
The questionnaires will be available from April 1st, and due on the last day of filing week – 5:00PM on Friday May 9th, 2025. Questionnaires received after this deadline will be considered at the August endorsement meeting.
Candidates and campaigns seeking our endorsement are invited to attend and will be given time to address the WSPC membership and answer questions before we vote on your endorsement.
To get started, please complete one of our new Questionnaires. Once received, we will contact you via the email provided with the information for our next Endorsement meeting.
Please reach out to us at contact@waprogressives.org if there are any technical issues or questions.
Endorsement Policy
The Washington State Progressive Caucus is proud to endorse candidates for public office and may pass resolutions on ballot issues and issues for our State Legislature or national Congress. Progressive candidates and campaigns are encouraged to request our endorsement. With the exception of U.S. Presidential races, the Washington State Progressive Caucus only endorses those campaigns that have requested endorsement and completed our questionnaire (attached below). All requests for endorsement will be carefully considered. It is important to bring requests and supporting documents to our attention well before the anticipated election date. Requests for endorsement should be sent to our secretary.
To be considered for an endorsement, a candidate (with the exception of U.S. Presidential races) must complete the WSPC Questionnaire and submit it to our secretary at least 10 days prior to the meeting at which the endorsement will be voted on by the membership. In addition, the candidate (or a designated representative) must speak to the WSPC membership in person at least once after declaring their candidacy. If the candidate or representative cannot arrange to speak to the Caucus for any reason, this requirement may be waived if at least two members present and voting have interviewed the candidate in person or by phone or attended a public forum where the candidate has spoken since the candidate declared their intention to run for the office for which they are seeking the endorsement of the Caucus.
Only voting members of WSPC (dues paid for the current year) may vote on an endorsement.
* To receive endorsement a candidate must receive 60% of the votes of credentialed members of the WSPC present and voting.
Endorsements may only be rescinded by a 2/3 vote.
[The above rules were adopted by the members of WSPC at a duly called meeting on July 11, 2015 in Mercer Island. * Amended June 13, 2016 in Sammamish.]