This page includes links to resolutions approved by the Washington State Progressive Caucus. Passing resolutions is one way to spread the word and engage folks in conversations about the issues that affect us all. Below are resolutions that have been proposed or adopted by local progressive organizations. Feel free to copy and submit them to your local county, LD, or other community organizations. If you have a resolution you would like us to consider at our next quarterly meeting, please fill out our Contact Us form and include your name and email address and we will get back in touch with you.
- Resolution for Continued Opposition to Trade Agreements Not Negotiated in Accordance With Platform Principles
- Resolution to Maintain Strong Washington State Consumer Protection Laws Relating to Payday Loans
- Resolution Opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Free Trade Agreement
- Resolution on Coal Train Traffic in Washington State
- Close Big Oil Tax Loophole
- Pass the Oil Transportation Safety Bill
- Resolution on S73 for State Single Payer
- Resolution Opposing the Elimination of Medicare
- Resolution to Reserve Constitutional Rights for People
- Resolution to Divest from War