Resolution to Divest from War

WHEREAS it is generally agreed that another war in the Middle East is not in the interest of the people of the region, nor in the interest of the United States, and

WHEREAS the government of Israel has publicly threatened to initiate a preemptive military strike on targets in Iran, and

WHEREAS the Divest From War online petition at intends to deter Israel from attacking Iran by nonviolently increasing the cost of a preemptive strike, and

WHEREAS many antiwar and pro-peace organizations in Washington State, including CODEPINK Seattle, Jewish Voice for Peace Seattle, and Eastside Fellowship of Reconciliation have endorsed the Divest From War online petition;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Washington State Democratic Party (WSDCC), endorse the Divest From War online petition.

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we encourage all peace-loving residents of Washington State to study the Divest From War online petition at, and sign it if they agree with its message and its goals.

Introduced at the Washington State Democratic Precinct Caucuses held on
Sunday, April 15, 2012 by ________________________________________

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