Resolution for Continued Opposition to Trade Agreements Not Negotiated in Accordance With Platform Principles
Whereas, the Platform states: “The right to unionize is a civil and human right;” and,
Whereas, the Platform calls for: “International trade based on fair trade that includes living wages and environmental protection and human rights;” and,
Whereas, the Platform states opposition to: “Corporations exerting undue influence on our government through access to regulatory commissions and drafting congressional and state legislation;” and,
Whereas, the Platform calls for: “Only those multilateral trade agreements that are conditioned on environmental, health and safety standards, human rights and workers’ rights, and which support transparent democratic processes;” and
Whereas, the Platform calls for: “Fair trade among nations based on sound environmental principles, sustainable agriculture and manufacturing, and democratic and economic rights of the workforce;”and,
Whereas, the Platform calls for: “Renegotiating international free trade agreements to deal adequately and transparently with human rights, the rights of indigenous peoples, labor rights, and environmental rights and laws to make them fair trade agreements;” and,
Whereas the Platform states opposition to: “Trade agreements negotiated in secret without public interest representation; Foreign policies that put the profit-making interests of corporations above the rights, laws, and interests of governments or workers, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership;” and,
Whereas, the Platform states opposition to: “Executive branch secrecy beyond legitimate national security needs or personnel matters;” and
Whereas, the Platform states support for: “Workers’ right to organize, join a union, enjoy due process, and bargain collectively, in order to have a living wage, without any interference, intimidation or threats from employers or the government, shall not be abridged or denied;” and,
Whereas, the WSDCC approved resolution number 707 stating opposition to the TPP and to granting Fast Track Authority; and,
Whereas, Senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray along with Representatives Suzan DelBene, Rick Larsen, and Derek Kilmer voted in favor of Trade Promotion Authority on June 12, 2015;
Therefore be it resolved, that all members of the Washington State Progressive Caucus be encouraged to contact Representatives Adam Smith, Jim McDermott and Denny Heck to thank them for opposing Trade Promotion Authority; and,
Therefore be it further resolved, that the Washington State Progressive Caucus censures Senators Murray and Cantwell as well as Representatives DelBene, Kilmer, and Larsen for voting in favor of TPA in direct contravention of the Platform, and we call on our membership to contact these same Senators and Representatives by any and all means to express our strong individual and collective disapprobation for this vote and to state our intention to seek out and support other Democratic candidates who will support the Platform; and,
Therefore be it finally resolved, that all members of the Washington State Progressive Caucus be encouraged to continue to contact all Democratic Senators and Representatives to reinforce our stated opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership and any/all procedural or legislative attempts to pass the TPP.
This resolution was adopted by the WSPC on August 13, 2015 via an on-line vote of the membership.