Resolution 967 – Calling for an Equitable, Transparent and Representative Redistricting Process
WHEREAS the districts drawn during redistricting affect the ability of all residents to be represented for the next 10 years; and
WHEREAS since 1983 Washington State has elected to have a Redistricting Commission which has 4 voting members selected by the majority and minority caucuses of the Legislature plus one non-voting chair; and
WHEREAS the population of Washington State is growing and diversifying in race, ethnicity, preferred language, country of origin, as well as other demographics; and
WHEREAS advances in internet and information technology allows for real-time virtual participation and feedback for public meetings; makes possible the capture and retention of comments, reports, audio and visual recordings; and makes possible for the public to electronically comment and submit their own redistricting map solutions; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, call for an equitable, transparent, and truly representative redistricting process in 2021 that is implemented through the following measures:
- Transparent processes required by
- Developing and updating a commission website that explains the role of the commission, the background of the commissioners and how the public can engage. The site should be linked to the Washington State Legislature website
- Providing preliminary maps at least 10 days before public meetings so that people and advocacy groups can analyze and adequately comment
- Publishing responses to all comments and input received by the commission
- Maximize people’s ability to give meaningful input by
- Holding at least 20 public meetings with at least one meeting in each congressional district
- Publishing all meeting times, dates and locations with 20 days’ notice and agendas with 24 hours in a variety of places: website, social media, local and state publications
- Creating a multitude of ways people can submit comments via phone, email, website submission or in-person
- Using technology that allows for real-time virtual participation and feedback for all meetings.
- Creating a free, easy-to-use web-based mapping tool that allows the public to submit maps for review by the commission
- Increase participation of people with limited English by
- Providing notices of meetings and reports in all major languages
- Requiring adequate translation services in major languages with 24 hours’ notice
- Providing clear information on how to contact staff dedicated to language access and available to answer questions
- Increase the public trust in the commission’s map drawing process by
- Publishing a clear prioritization of redistricting criteria within the first 3 months of the commission convening
- Prioritizing communities of interest high on the list of criteria
- Giving public access to all data used to create the maps in common formats
- Publishing timely and comprehensive reporting on the commission’s activities
- Keeping records of all commission materials, maps, data, comments, and responses for at least 11 years
Therefore be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be submitted to each Democratic State House and Senate member.
Approved by the Yakima County Democratic Central Committee on June 1, 2020 and submitted to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee for consideration at its September 12, 2020 meeting. (Date submitted 8/13/20)