Resolution 969 – Opposing Budget Cuts and Supporting Progressive Taxation
WHEREAS Those most affected by the pandemic and the resulting economic slowdown are service workers and others who were already struggling to make ends meet before the arrival of COVID-19;
WHEREAS Washington State is home to multiple billionaires and large companies who have seen their wealth increase since the pandemic began in early 2020;
WHEREAS Washington State has the most regressive tax code in the country, and have asked for little from big businesses and the uber wealthy while underfunding basic services;
WHEREAS We learned from our response to the Great Recession that budget cuts and austerity in a time of economic crisis lead to a slower recovery and inflict needless pain and suffering on struggling populations and the economy as a whole;
WHEREAS the Washington State Democratic Party Platform currently states that we support: “A fair and just tax system for all; Create a progressive wealth tax; tax the highest incomes and unearned income from stocks, capital gains, etc.”
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Washington State Democratic Central Committee calls on our representatives at all levels of government to oppose and not vote for any budget cuts;
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Washington State Democratic Central Committee calls on our representatives at all levels of government to raise the revenue needed to meet our budget shortfall through progressive taxes including but not limited to, a progressive income tax (that would challenge the Supreme Court’s outdated 1930’s interpretation of income as property), a capital gains tax, a tax on millionaires, a wealth tax, a higher estate tax, an inheritance tax, a tax on companies paying excessive compensation to some employees, and taxes on large businesses; and
THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be publicized and sent to our U.S. Senators, our U.S. House representatives, and each State Senator and State Representative.
Submitted on behalf of the 36th District Democrats by Robert Cruickshank on August 13, 2020, WSDCC member #2 – or (831) 402-2365