Resolution 978 – Opposing any expansion of Non-Indian Gaming

The Native American Caucus (NAC) of the Washington State Democratic Party represents the Tribes, Indian Organizations and Native members of Washington State.
The Native American Caucus believes in the concepts expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States – “all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every States shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.” Article VI, Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States.
We further pledge to make every effort to encourage maximum participation in the political process and to protect individuals’ rights, civil liberties, our environment, and social and economic justice for all. We shall actively seek to foster and promote the principles of the Party; to arouse and maintain an active interest therein by the citizens of the legislative districts; to actively support the campaigns of the Party candidates at the legislative district levels; to gather and disseminate information concerning Party philosophy and ideals; and in doing so assist the Counties in its public education.
WHEREAS, the Native American Caucus (NAC) Executive Committee includes a Chair, Vice Chairs, and a Secretary/Treasurer. Voting members will include active NAC participants listed in the Enrollment Records of the Caucus; and
WHEREAS, the NAC hosts three meetings per year and other related gathering as approved by the Officers of the Caucus. The Native American Caucus works to include participation from all Tribes, major Native Organizations and Native Community members of Washington State to attend and participate in the Washington State Democratic Party at every level; and
WHEREAS, the Native American Caucus is a committee of the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and supports the registration of Native Voters, Get Out the Vote activities, supports Native people running for public office and passes resolutions in support of local, regional and national Native American priorities; and
WHEREAS for over one hundred and fifty years, indigenous populations in Washington State have suffered the loss of their culture, land, natural resources, and membership leaving many of this population desolate and destitute in their own lands; and
WHEREAS federal and state policies have extensively failed to rectify the unbearable suffering Indian peoples have endured for decades until the advent of Indian gaming; and
WHEREAS federal law requires that tribes be the primary beneficiaries of Indian government gaming operations; and
WHEREAS Indian gaming is extensively regulated by federal, state and tribal authorities from corrupting influences and is confined within Reservation boundaries; and
WHEREAS Indian gaming promotes tribal self-governance, tribal self-sufficiency, strong tribal governments and is the one successful initiative bringing tribal nations back from the brink of annihilation; and
WHEREAS Indian gaming operations are taxed 100% by tribal governments in order for tribes to fund essential governmental programs and services (health, education, welfare, salmon protection and restoration) drastically needed for tribal members to offset the devastating impacts of over a century and a half of tribal deprivations; and
WHEREAS the dollars obtained from Indian gaming remain local and support not only Indian peoples, but the surrounding communities and the many employees, local vendors and services needed by Indian gaming operations; and
WHEREAS any expansion of non-Indian gaming off reservation invites in-state generated dollars to leave the State and threatens the delicate balance achieved in keeping gaming in Washington State limited while at the same time supporting the economic recovery of tribal people; and
WHEREAS state government dependence on commercial gaming revenue in other states has led to serious financial and societal problems in those states;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Washington State Democratic Central Committees, support tribal gaming for the limits it puts on the expansion of gaming in Washington State and for the overwhelming benefits it brings to Washington tribes and their members; andTHEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we, the Washington State Democratic Central Committees, oppose any expansion of non-Indian gaming within the State that would increase non-tribal gaming activities and operations beyond the limits now appreciated and respected, and which would allow gaming dollars to leave the State for the primary benefit of privileged non-governmental interests, such as Senate Bill 5212 under consideration for the 2021 Legislative Session.