Urgent Resolution 977 – in support of the Manuel Ellis Washington Anti-Discrimination Act (WADA)
Whereas, Initiative 1000 (I-1000), the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Act, was signed by nearly 400,000 voters, voted into law by the Washington State Legislature and came just 1% away from passage on the November, 2019 General Election ballot ; and
Whereas, I-1000 has been now been introduced in the Washington State Legislature as the MANUEL ELLIS WASHINGTON ANTI-DISCRIMINATION ACT (MEWADA), which prohibits age, gender, racial, veteran, disabled and LGBTQIA+ discrimination in public education, employment, health, safety and contracting; and
Whereas, the Washington State Department of Health finds that the COVID-19 pandemic has created a State of Emergency requiring immediate action to combat the discriminatory health & safety disparities which have long plagued seniors, women, persons with disabilities, persons of color and other vulnerable communities; and
Whereas, MEWADA is America’s only initiative demanding COVID-19 vaccines for all Washingtonians who voluntarily request and consent to vaccinations by prohibiting discrimination in the vaccine’s availability and accessibility based on age, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender equity, disability, citizenship, county, income or employment; and
Whereas, MEWADA reflects the 2020 Democratic Party platform by protecting all Washington residents from police and other law enforcement officers’ discriminatory use of deadly force, including but not limited to the chokehold or carotid hold which police used to kill George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN and Manuel Ellis here in Tacoma, WA; and
Therefore, be it Resolved that the WASHINGTON STATE DEMOCRATS CENTRAL COMMITTEE endorse MEWADA to strengthen Washington State’s discrimination laws to protect individuals in public health & safety, public education, public employment and public contracting; and
Therefore, be it Further Resolved, that the WASHINGTON STATE DEMOCRATS CENTRAL COMMITTEE urge all Democratic members of the Washington State House of Representatives and the Washington State Senate to vote “YES” on the MANUEL ELLIS WASHINGTON ANTI-DISCRIMINATION ACT in committee and on final passage.
Therefore, be it Finally Resolved, that the WASHINGTON STATE DEMOCRATS CENTRAL COMMITTEE will email this resolution to each Democratic member of the Washington State Legislature during the 2021 Legislative session.
DATED: January 30, 2021