Resolution 975 – Holding Tacoma Police Accountable

  1. WHEREAS, The Washington State Democratic Central Committee (WSDCC) platform adopted
  2. June 13th, 2020 expresses our demand for police “to be held accountable for abusive practices”
  3. and “exercise restraint in their dealing with peaceful assemblies and protests” under Pillar #1,
  4. Criminal Justice Reform; and
  5. WHEREAS, that same Pillar of the WSDCC platform also demands “Courageous conversations
  6. in our communities and across the nation about the race- and class-based challenges we face
  7. in fostering trust in community-police relations”, and
  8. WHEREAS, the 27th Legislative District Democrats, as one of the local Democratic Party
  9. organizations around Washington State, represents Democrats and allies in much of the city of
  10. Tacoma and seeks in part to build “a region of just, sustainable, and engaged communities”;
  11. and
  12. WHEREAS, years of systemic racism and aggression from Tacoma Police Department has
  13. resulted in not just disproportionate treatment but also the deaths and grievous injuries of
  14. Tacoma residents, including but not limited to Manny Ellis, Bennie Branch, Monique Tillman,
  15. Jackie Salyers, and the persons a Tacoma Police Department officer intentionally struck and
  16. ran over in a SUV cruiser on January 23rd; and
  17. WHEREAS, in the spirit of holding police accountable for abusive practices and demanding
  18. courageous conversations in our communities as stated in the WSDCC platform and in
  19. resolutions passed at the State, County, and LPO levels;
  20. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the WSDCC supports the 27th Legislative District
  21. Democrats in their demand for full and complete accountability for the Tacoma Police
  22. Department officers who killed Manny Ellis and committed violence against community
  23. members on January 23rd, up to and including termination and arrest; and
  24. THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the WSDCC also supports the 27th
  25. Legislative District Democrats in their demand that if City Manager Elizabeth Pauli cannot or
  26. will not facilitate police accountability in Tacoma, she must resign from her position; and
  27. THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the WSDCC supports the 27th Legislative
  28. District Democrats in their demand that the Tacoma City Council boldy pursue justice for victims
  29. and accountability from Tacoma Police Department.

Submitted by 27th Legislative District Democrats to the Washington State Democratic Central Committeefor consideration at its January 30, 2021 reorganization meeting held virtually.

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