Resolution 975 – Holding Tacoma Police Accountable
- WHEREAS, The Washington State Democratic Central Committee (WSDCC) platform adopted
- June 13th, 2020 expresses our demand for police “to be held accountable for abusive practices”
- and “exercise restraint in their dealing with peaceful assemblies and protests” under Pillar #1,
- Criminal Justice Reform; and
- WHEREAS, that same Pillar of the WSDCC platform also demands “Courageous conversations
- in our communities and across the nation about the race- and class-based challenges we face
- in fostering trust in community-police relations”, and
- WHEREAS, the 27th Legislative District Democrats, as one of the local Democratic Party
- organizations around Washington State, represents Democrats and allies in much of the city of
- Tacoma and seeks in part to build “a region of just, sustainable, and engaged communities”;
- and
- WHEREAS, years of systemic racism and aggression from Tacoma Police Department has
- resulted in not just disproportionate treatment but also the deaths and grievous injuries of
- Tacoma residents, including but not limited to Manny Ellis, Bennie Branch, Monique Tillman,
- Jackie Salyers, and the persons a Tacoma Police Department officer intentionally struck and
- ran over in a SUV cruiser on January 23rd; and
- WHEREAS, in the spirit of holding police accountable for abusive practices and demanding
- courageous conversations in our communities as stated in the WSDCC platform and in
- resolutions passed at the State, County, and LPO levels;
- THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the WSDCC supports the 27th Legislative District
- Democrats in their demand for full and complete accountability for the Tacoma Police
- Department officers who killed Manny Ellis and committed violence against community
- members on January 23rd, up to and including termination and arrest; and
- THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the WSDCC also supports the 27th
- Legislative District Democrats in their demand that if City Manager Elizabeth Pauli cannot or
- will not facilitate police accountability in Tacoma, she must resign from her position; and
- THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the WSDCC supports the 27th Legislative
- District Democrats in their demand that the Tacoma City Council boldy pursue justice for victims
- and accountability from Tacoma Police Department.
Submitted by 27th Legislative District Democrats to the Washington State Democratic Central Committeefor consideration at its January 30, 2021 reorganization meeting held virtually.