Resolution 978 – Prevent Military Warfare Training in State Parks
WHEREAS the Washington State Democratic Party Central Committee resoundingly passed resolution 20.02.01-957 opposing military training in Washington State Parks; 1
WHEREAS that resolution identified concerns including liability to state and local governments, Environmental Impact Study (EIS) shortcomings, and direct conflicts with Washington Administrative Code – WAC 352-32 PUBLIC USE OF PARKS2;
WHEREAS military exercises in Washington State Parks directly conflicts with WAC 352-16-20 “State park areas are of statewide natural, cultural and/or recreational significance and/or outstanding scenic beauty. They provide…areas reserved for preservation, scientific research, education, public assembly, and/or environmental interpretation, and support facilities” 3;
WHEREAS in spite of thousands of public comments including over 7,000 petition signatures from every county in Washington, all 50 States in the U.S., and 36 countries 4, submitted to the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission (Commission) that clearly register a supermajority opposed to military training in state parks 5, the Commission voted 4:3 on January 28, 2020 to allow military warfare training in up to 28 Washington State Parks6;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Washington State Parks are to remain as intended: places where everyone regardless of sex, gender, race, creed, or status; can go to enjoy cultural history, camping, recreation, solitude, and the restorative qualities of nature’s splendor;
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Washington State Democrats Central Committee (WSDCC) opposes military warfare training in Washington State Parks;
THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this resolution be forwarded to all Washington State Democratic legislators, and Governor Jay Inslee – asking them to sponsor, and adopt an amendment to the Revised Code of Washington – RCW 79A.05.030 [Parks and Recreation – Powers and Duties] at (5)(a) 7 to add: “No concession or lease shall be granted for military training or exercises by any governmental agency, civilian or military.”
1. WSDCC resolution 20.02.01-957 opposing military training in Washington State Parks.
2. WAC 352-32
3. WAC 352-16-20
4. Combined petition
and “Not in Our Parks” petition at
5. Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, see Public Hearing held January 26, 2020 and public records [note: not all public records and meeting minutes have been uploaded to the State Parks website].
6. Washington State Parks news release January 29, 2021
7. RCW 79A.05.030