Resolution 980 – in Support of the Protecting the Right to Organize (“PRO”) Act
Whereas history shows that increased unionization has the power to dramatically decrease economic inequality and build broadly shared prosperity; and
Whereas making the economy work for working people will restore faith in our economy and our democracy; and
Whereas union contracts are the single best tool for closing racial and gender pay gaps, for ensuring fair and dignified treatment of workers, and for protecting against workplace discrimination; and
Whereas the last significant federal labor legislation was the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, which has been weakened over time by Congress, by the courts, and by legislation in many states; and
Whereas the PRO Act, which has passed the House and has 47 co-sponsors in the Senate, would level the playing field between workers who want to form a union and employers who exploit weaknesses in the current law to intimidate and interfere with workers’ legal rights to organize and bargain collectively,
Therefore, be it resolved, that the Washington State Democratic Central Committee thank Senators Murray and Cantwell for being co-sponsors of the PRO Act, and encourage them to continue their efforts to rally support from 60 or more Democratic, Republican, and Independent senators, so that a filibuster cannot be used to block its passage, and
Therefore, be it further resolved, that the Washington State Democratic Central Committee vocally support the PRO Act and encourage its members to message this support via electronic means, at meetings, in letters to the editor, on social media, and in their precincts, neighborhoods, and communities, and
Therefore, be it further resolved, that the Washington State Democratic Central Committee send copies of this resolution to the the Washington State Labor Council, and the Washington State AFL-CIO.