Resolution 992 – Support Reducing Climate Change Impacts Through Comprehensive Plans
WHEREAS transportation is the sector with the highest greenhouse gas emissions in Washington State’s economy1 (accounting for 44.9% of the state’s total emissions in 2018) and the state’s emissions reduction goals won’t be achieved with the Clean Fuel Standard and the Zero Emissions Vehicle Standard alone, therefore further Growth Management Act (GMA) RCW 36.70A policy requirements are needed to reduce vehicle miles traveled, and
WHEREAS the GMA has been the framework for comprehensive planning at the city and county level since 1990 and there is still no climate provision within GMA that requires cities and counties to address the impact of climate hazards on people, property and the environment, and no provision to reduce vehicle miles traveled, nor to reduce environmental justice and health disparities, and
WHEREAS Adding a Climate Change element to the GMA requiring participating cities and counties to implement climate mitigation and adaptation into their comprehensive plans is urgently needed2, and
WHEREAS the update cycle for the comprehensive plans required under the GMA for some of the largest cities and counties in Central Puget Sound is coming due in 2024 and the Department of Commerce is preparing to review and update the administrative rules3 for GMA by June 2022 it is necessary to implement climate change prevention and mitigation policies in the GMA,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Environment and Climate Caucus of the Washington State Democratic Party endorses amending the Growth Management Act to add Climate Change Prevention and Mitigation as a new element, while not diminishing existing protections for forestland and timberland as proposed in 2021 E2SHB 2HB 1099 [pg. 9] Sec. 4 (5)(c)(vi), and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the Governor of the State of Washington, and all Washington State House and Senate Democrats. And that it be submitted to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee for consideration at its January 2022 meeting.
Adopted by the Environment and Climate Caucus on 2021 December 16:
Contact Information ECC Chair: Steve Verhey, (509) 899-4956
Contact information ECC Resolutions Committee Chair: Angie Homola