Resolution 996 – Support Voting and Voter Registration for Youth in High School
Support a Program to Prepare Students to Vote and Encourage Voter Registration for Youth in High School
WHEREAS, democracy in the United States is in serious danger, and
WHEREAS, the youth of this country are the hope of our future, and
WHEREAS, assisting students in participating in the democratic process is not partisan by nature; and,
WHEREAS, in Washington State, students need only be sixteen years old in order to register to vote as part of the Future Voter program; and,
WHEREAS, younger citizens continue to be underrepresented in the U.S. voting population nationwide*, and
WHEREAS, a more robust effort to educate and motivate students’ understanding of the democratic process would be a benefit to society;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the WSDCC endorse the enhancement of the program described in Washington statute RCW 28A.230.094 by establishing tracking and benchmarks for youth voter outreach and registration; and,
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Democratic members of the Washington State Legislature, and the WSDCC Advocacy Committee for appropriate action.