Resolution 993 – Modify Growth Management Act with Regard to Single-Occupancy Vehicles

WHEREAS continually increasing greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on single-occupancy vehicle use are unsustainable long-term trends for reducing impacts and slowing our climate crisis; and

WHEREAS 2021-2022 HB 1099 had proposed to reduce such trends by modifying the Washington State Growth Management Act to ensure climate change would be an element of large city and county comprehensive plans but failed due to Republican filibustering and Democratic leadership deprioritization; and

WHEREAS systemic and broad action is needed immediately to achieve sustainability and resiliency in the face of changing climate;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the WSDCC advocate for Growth Management Act reform in future legislative sessions by providing testimony on bills and legislation which would reduce reliance on single-occupancy vehicle travel and ensure that comprehensive plans recognize changing climate conditions will have an affect on growth and transportation; and

THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this resolution be given to the Advocacy Committee for appropriate action.

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