Resolution 998 – Support for Reinstating the Expanded Child Tax Credit 

WHEREAS in 2021, the expanded Child Tax Credit (or “CTC”) helped millions of families buy food, pay rent, and cover utilities; and,

WHEREAS the 2021 CTC expansion is the most significant investment in reducing child poverty in a generation, keeping about 3.7 million children from poverty each month, a reduction of about 30%; and,

WHEREAS Congress has rejected efforts to continue the monthly CTC payments as inflation creates more significant hardship for families; and,

WHEREAS families are currently facing higher costs for rent, food, and fuel while the CTC monthly payments have ended, and over 3 million children have fallen back below the poverty line;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Washington State Democrats Central Committee calls on all Washington State members of Congress and the U.S. Senate to reinstate the expanded Child Tax Credit including the monthly payment option with permanent full refundability for all low-income families; and,

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to each WA State member of Congress and the U.S. Senate.

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