Resolution 999 – Save and Improve Social Security

Whereas, defined benefit pensions are becoming less popular than they used to be while Wall Street has ruined 401k plans and have received bailouts as people with far less money in. their 401k’s have received nothing as Wall Street has hurt some pension plans considerably, and

Whereas, some people have become disabled and have been told by their doctors that they will never work again, unable to save enough money to last the rest of their lives. Many people on Social Security have not received a fair cost of living adjustment to keep up with the real-life inflation including property tax, rent increases, and rising Medicare premiums, and

Whereas, many people who had planned for retirement are now finding they have to pay a higher tax rate on Social Security and retirement income, and it is becoming more common for parents to provide for their growing families, including children and grandchildren, and many people on Social Security are completely dependent upon others for transportation which can be prohibitively expensive, especially in rural areas, and

Whereas, homeowners who can no longer maintain their own homes due to physical limitations must pay additional expenses to hire others for necessary repairs, general upkeep, and maintain/replace properly working appliances. And

Whereas, too many seniors become homeless, many dying on the streets due to the lack of financial resources.

Therefore be it resolved, that it is necessary to protect and strengthen social security, that we need to end the cap on contributions to Social Security, and improve the formula for Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA) increases to meet the real-life financial needs of people who depend upon Social Security; and

Be if finally resolved, that this resolution be transmitted to  the Governor of Washington and all Washington State Congressional members of the House and Senate, the DNC.

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