Executive Board Position Descriptions

According to the WSPC Bylaws, Members shall elect:

a Chair, a Western Washington Vice-Chair, an Eastern Washington Vice-Chair, a Secretary, a Treasurer and four (4) at-large Executive Board Members. This group shall comprise the WSPC Executive Board.

Elections of Officers and Term of Office

  1. All reasonable efforts shall be taken to ensure that no more than five (5) board members shall be of the same gender. Diversity and statewide representation shall also be goals.
  2. Nominations and election of Officers and Executive Board Members shall be at the Re-organizational Meeting of the Washington State Democratic Party Central Committee. Those elected shall serve for two (2) consecutive years. Elections shall be by secret ballot. Terms shall begin at the end of the meeting at which they are elected.
  3. No member of the Executive Board shall hold more than one office at a time.
  4. The Chair may make an interim appointment to fill a vacancy on the Executive Board, or may call for an election at the next meeting to be conducted at the following meeting.
  5. The Executive Board may vote in executive session, in person or in closed online discussion, to make an interim appointment to fill a vacancy of the position of Chair, or may call for an election at the next meeting to be conducted at the following meeting.  An interim appointment of Chair, if made, must only last until the next scheduled meeting of the membership.

Officers and the Executive Board

ChairThe Chair shall convene and conduct all meetings of the WSPC. The Chair is charged with the responsibility of implementing all policies of the organization. The Chair is responsible for directing the organization in a manner consistent with the purpose of the WSPC as set forth in these By-Laws. The Chair shall draft and present the agenda for each Membership meeting to the Executive Board for approval no less than 14 days prior to the meeting. Ad hoc and special committees may be appointed by the Chair with the approval of a majority of the Executive Board. The Chair shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The Chair may appoint a Parliamentarian, Sergeant-at-Arms or other officials as deemed necessary at meetings. The Chair shall be the authorized spokesperson for the WSPC and may compose and/or authorize press releases. The Chair shall authorize and approve expenditures within the approved budget limits for purposes consistent with the responsibilities of the Chair.
Vice ChairsThe ranking Vice Chair shall be the Vice Chair of the region in which the meeting is being held. In the absence of the Chair, the ranking Vice Chair shall assume all duties, responsibilities, and authority of the Chair. The Vice Chairs shall perform any and all duties in furtherance of the purpose of this Caucus as directed by the Chair.
SecretaryThe Secretary shall take notes at meetings and shall provide written minutes for corrections and/or additions by fourteen (14) days after the meeting at which they were taken. After all corrections/changes are made, they will be presented for final approval at the next regularly scheduled membership meeting. The Secretary shall keep and maintain all records, including correspondence, reports, press releases and publications. These records will be made available to the membership upon request.
TreasurerThe Treasurer is responsible for managing WSPC funds. The Treasurer shall prepare a quarterly Financial Report on all finances of the WSPC to be presented to the Membership at the regularly scheduled meetings. The Treasurer shall receive funds and disburse properly authorized expenditures for the organization as required. The Treasurer shall prepare and file all Public Disclosure Commission Reports and other financial reports, as required by law.
Public Relations & Social MediaWithin guidelines approved by the board, the committee will moderate our online presence (Facebook, Twitter, Google Groups) and issue press releases authorized by the board. Lead by the At-Large board member for Public Relations and Social Media.
IT/TechDesign and update our website, manage password authorization, set up and manage Zoom and other online presences. Led by the At-Large board member for IT & Tech.
Membership & OutreachWorking with the At-Large board member for Membership & Outreach, the committee will increase our engagement with allied groups and seek to increase and diversify our membership.
Fundraising & EventsLed by the At-Large board member for Fundraising & Events. This committee will produce events (in-person or online) that educate, inspire and motivate, including, but not limited to, voter education, direct actions, GOTV, candidate and issues forums.

Appointed Position

Advocacy Committee*The committee shall devise a progressive rating system for Democratic legislators in the State Legislature. This rating system will be based entirely on the Platform of the Washington State Democrats as of the most recent convention of the Washington State Democrats and will adjust in the future to reflect further changes to the platform as they happen. The members of the Standing Committee on Advocacy will determine a set of progressive priorities such as: environmental issues; women’s issues; LGBTQI issues; tribal issues; labor issues; education issues, racial, housing, disability issues, criminal justice, healthcare, and social justice issues and so on. Each of the issues will be rated separately, and additionally all will be rated as a collective. Findings, discoveries and reports of the Standing Committee on Advocacy will deliver their findings to the Board and not release them to anyone, personally or via the Press or Social Media. The Board will determine what will be disseminated, giving full credit to the work of the Standing Committee on Advocacy.

*The Chair of Advocacy will be appointed by the WSPC Chair.

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